Parham Hall

The well-planted kitchen garden of 3/4 acre features a vinery and is surrounded by a mellow red brick crinkle-crankle wall.

Wheelbarrow in front of a pink arch of flowers at Parham hall one of the British Red Cross open gardens.

25 June 2023


Entrance fee:
£5 per adults, children under 12 free
2pm - 5pm
Garden owners:
Mr A and Mrs S Paul

For all enquiries, please get in touch with us by email:

We hope this garden will re-open in the future. Please keep checking this page for more details.

The house is surrounded by extensive lawns, some close cropped, while others are wild areas.

An expanse of parkland with many splendid ancient trees, all in good health and with beautiful shapes and around the house there are borders and a terraced area.

A series of island beds have been planted some distance from the house, mainly with Hemerocallis, Sedums, Nepeta and Stipa gigantea. A Lutyens bench is surrounded by Calamagrostis, Alchemilla mollis and Cosmos.

The well-planted kitchen garden of 3/4 acre features a vinery and is surrounded by a mellow red brick crinkle-crankle wall, apart from one area that is open to a pond. There is also a small walled garden planted with scented plants and adjacent to this a sunken glasshouse with a traditional potting shed.

Event information


IP13 9LQ


The property is located south of Framlingham, just off the B1116.


  • dogs on leads
  • wheelchair accessible
  • refreshments