Famine looms in Gaza and nowhere is safe for civilians

Nine months on and civilians continue to pay the highest price in Gaza. The UN warns that half the population - 1 million people - face starvation by mid-July.

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A Palestine Red Crescent volunteer delivers aid to children in Gaza

How is aid getting into Gaza?

By British Red Cross

With more than 1.5 million people in Gaza at risk of famine, safe and unimpeded aid access is desperately needed. But how will it get delivered?

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Karyna with her son Makar.

Learning from the Ukraine scheme

By British Red Cross

Our latest report looks at ways to improve accommodation and resettlement for refugees by applying lessons learnt from the Ukraine response.

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Scale of field hospital Rafah 1084 x 610

Red Cross responds to vast medical needs in Rafah

By British Red Cross

The new hospital has already treated people injured in recent airstrikes, and has specialist departments for maternity and paediatric care.

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Emergency response teams evacuate children after explosions in Ukraine

Red Cross evacuates Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Ukraine 

By British Red Cross

The Ukrainian Red Cross supported supported patients and residents after explosions in Ukraine on 8 July.

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Our work with refugees

Children in a classroom raise their hands.

"Children can be agents for change"

Teaching children about the plight of refugees brings benefits all round.

content type Article estimated reading time 3 minutes
Lonely young man gazes out of a window with his head in his hands.

Asylum seekers: are they living on easy street?

With so many conflicting reports, it's hard to picture life for an asylum seeker in the UK. We shed some light on the matter.

content type Article estimated reading time 4 minutes
A photograph of the Amiri family at their son Hussein's graduation. The family fled from Afghanistan and now live in Wales.

"This is not a refugee story, it's a love story"

Hamed Amiri's life has been extraordinary. Here, he describes his family’s escape from Herat, which inspired a sell-out play.

content type Article estimated reading time 4 minutes
Split to show both Palestinian Red Crescent responding in Gaza and Magen David Adom responding in Israel.

"This conflict is made up of thousands of individual tragedies"

By Béatrice Butsana-Sita

On a trip to the Middle East, British Red Cross CEO Béatrice Butsana-Sita saw how civilians were paying the price of the conflict in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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A mother and her two children who have fled conflict in Sudan and are seeking refuge in Chad.

What is happening in Sudan?

By British Red Cross

The UN says conflict in Sudan has plunged the country into one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history.

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The Red Cross and Red Crescent Emblems

What is the Red Cross doing to help hostages in Gaza?

By British Red Cross

As a neutral intermediary, the International Committee of the Red Cross plays an important practical role once the release of hostages has been agreed.

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Young child in Yemen being held by mother

What is going on in Yemen?

By British Red Cross

Years of conflict, the effects of climate change and a floundering economy mean that Yemen's situation is truly desperate. It must not be forgotten.

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First aid advice 

Tim Connor, who took a British Red Cross first aid course and later helped his colleague having a heart attack.

"I knew I had to keep calm": How to help someone having a heart attack

Would you know what to do if someone was having a heart attack? Tim Connor did, which is why his colleague Tony Wong is still alive and well today.

content type Article estimated reading time 4 minutes
A young woman holds her head in pain while surrounded by other students.

Students: are you sure that's freshers flu and not meningitis?

Make sure you can tell the difference, so that you can stay safe and help a friend if they start to feel unwell.

content type Article estimated reading time 3 minutes
Two adults help a young man who has been stabbed, one applies pressure to the wound while the other calls emergency services.

How to help someone who's been stabbed

Anyone who's been stabbed needs immediate help - their life could be at risk. Here's what to do.

content type Article estimated reading time 3 minutes

Climate change around the world 

Thermometer showing high temperature

Record breaking 2022 heatwave to become the norm by 2060

The Met Office’s State of the UK Climate report shows that July 2022 was the warmest summer since records began.

content type Article estimated reading time 2 minutes
A person in a Red Cross uniform walks towards a wildfire at night.

"Climate change: these extremes are the new normal, the time to adapt is now"

Richard Blewitt, executive director, British Red Cross sets out some startling figures on climate change, and explains why it’s vital that we raise our global ambition.

content type Article estimated reading time 4 minutes
Emergency response volunteer Kenny drives through floodwater in a British Red Cross vehicle to reach the community of Fishlake, Doncaster.

Are extreme weather events becoming more frequent?

The Met Office’s senior climate scientist Nikos Christidis explains the link between extreme weather events and climate change

content type Article estimated reading time 2 minutes

Feeling anxious or lonely? Read on... 

Woman meditates outside as the sun rises in the morning

Dr Radha Modgil’s 5 top tips for easing stress and anxiety

Some simple, practical steps to take

content type Article estimated reading time 3 minutes
Drawing of lonely young person

Let's talk about loneliness: part one

Loren, our young volunteer, answers other young people's questions about loneliness.

content type Article estimated reading time 5 minutes
Drawing of a lonely young person

Let's talk about loneliness: part two

Part two of Loren's answers to young people's questions around loneliness.

content type Article estimated reading time 3 minutes

Our history of helping

The Queen stands in front of a Red Cross emergency vehicle

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the British Red Cross

Remembering 70 years with Her Majesty The Queen as our Patron. Here, we take a look back at some moments in that relationship, from her earliest address at our National Conference to comforting service users during their time of need.

content type Story estimated reading time 3 minutes
A photograph of Dr John Alcindor.

The famous Black doctor of Paddington

A doctor who overcame prejudice to help others during the First World War finally won recognition a hundred years later.

content type Article estimated reading time 3 minutes
Head and shoulders photograph of First World War nurse, Peggy Arnold, in her uniform.

The heroic women of WW1: a nurse's diary

Peggy Arnold was a WW1 nurse serving on the frontline. Here we celebrate her bravery, and the bravery of volunteers like her.

content type Article estimated reading time 4 minutes

Here for humanity

In the UK and 191 other countries, our teams are ready to help in an emergency. Together, we are the world's emergency responders. 

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