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Covid-19: Dr Radha Modgil's top tips for checking in with your children


Last updated 18 May 2020

Dr Radha gives us her three tops tips for making sure your children stay happy and healthy in isolation

These times are uncertain for everyone, but they are particularly confusing for children. Everyone’s daily routine has been turned upside down and, with your children stuck at home away from their friends and teachers, you might be finding it difficult to keep their minds busy. 

Dr Radha Modgil has been educating audiences on health and wellbeing for years, appearing on countless television and radio programmes alongside her day job as a practising NHS GP.

"Don't forget to look after yourself as well," she says. "With your mental and emotional wellbeing comes your children's'".

Dr Radha took a break from her busy schedule to offer us her top tips on keeping children occupied, healthy and happy while in isolation.

Getting your children into a regular routine – even one so far removed from the schedule they’re used to – is key in helping them know what to expect from each day. Keeping activities like dinner time and bedtime to similar hours every day will keep them grounded. While the world around them moves at a seemingly quicker pace than ever, they will have a much-needed sense of normality and continuity to anchor themselves to.


It might be tempting to try to wash over the subject of why we’re currently living our lives in a way that feels so unnatural, but take the time to explain that we’re not alone in doing so.

Make sure children know that they should be proud that by staying home and away from school and the playground, they are doing their own part in the fight against Covid-19.


Creativity helps us cope: the nation’s streets might be empty but they’re also lined with windows containing pictures of rainbows and messages of support for our NHS. And creativity doesn’t have to be messy! Many people have opted for baking, but any creative outlet will help to keep big worries from little minds.

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