Operation Hope

Stream Live. Save Lives.

Webpage Op Hope (1)

02 July 2023

Across the globe

For all enquiries please get in touch with the Gaming and Streaming team gaming@redcross.org.uk

This event is no longer running. Please see our streaming and gaming page for current events.

Put your mic where your mouth is. Join the team, fundraise for Operation Hope and help people in all disaster and conflict zones get support faster. 

Nobody can predict where or when the next disaster will strike. But one thing is certain. Whether there’s an earthquake in Nepal, floods in Somerset or conflict in Yemen, the Red Cross must be ready to act as soon as we’re needed. 

Operation Hope is raising money for the British Red Cross Emergencies Fund, a way to help people in disaster and conflict zones, while supporting our vital work in the UK and overseas. 

Together, we can make sure Red Cross teams reach people sooner, save more lives – and are ready when the next crisis strikes. 

How does it work? 

  1. You sign up, stream and fundraise with your community. 
  2. Your amazing fundraising will support the Emergencies Fund which is ready and waiting for when a disaster strikes anywhere in the world. 
  3. You’ll receive an update from British Red Cross when the fund is being used, that way you can find out how your donations are saving more lives, faster! 

How your donations could help

  • £10 could supply a family with 1,200 chlorine tablets to give them access to clean, safe water. 
  • £24 could provide food for a family of four who have been evacuated from their home by fire or flood in the UK. 
  • £65 could make sure one of our UK emergency response vehicles reaches people when they are needed. 
  • £100 could buy 65 mosquito nets for a community hit by a cyclone.