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Storm Kathleen: Yellow weather warnings issued for parts of the UK as strong winds are forecast

The 11th named storm of the 2023/24 season is set to arrive in the UK on Saturday 6 April. Strong winds and travel disruption is forecast. British Red Cross is responding.

Last updated 5 April 2024

The Met Office have issued a Yellow weather warning this weekend as Storm Kathleen brings disruption to the UK and Ireland on Saturday, 6 April 2024.

Storm Kathleen is expected to cause strong winds to western parts of the UK with a yellow weather warning in place from 8am until 10pm on Saturday for parts of Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Gusts are expected to reach 50mph, climning to 60 to 70 mph in exposed places. Travel is expected to be disrupted and there are warnings of large waves in some coastal location.

Deputy Chief Meteorologist Christoph Almond said: “Gusts of 50 mph are expected quite widely on Saturday, while some exposed spots, particularly on the coast, will see 60 to 70 mph gusts with large waves also likely.”

Storm Kathleen is the 11th named storm of the 2023/2024 storm season, which runs from September to August the following year. The last named storm was Jocelyn in January. So far, there have been more named storms than in the 2022/2023 season, when there were only four in total.

In the UK, a storm is named by the Met Office when it has the potential to cause disruption or damage and is based on information from the National Severe Weather Warnings service. British Red Cross teams across the UK remain on standby to support where local authorities require it.

Prepare for a storm

If you live in an area where Storm Kathleen is forecast, make sure to take steps to ensure your own safety and that of your property. Follow our simple storm preparation steps to protect yourself, and also follow our advice for what to do during and after a storm. 


You can also call the British Red Cross' National Support Line for help.

Here for communities: prepare for Storm Kathleen

The British Red Cross support thousands of people each year, whose lives have been turned upside down by devastating storms, floods and other weather and climate-related emergencies.

It’s not just abroad that we need to adapt to the changing climate. We are seeing more severe weather events in the UK too. The risk of flooding is rising; yet despite this our research found that the majority of people in the UK don’t know how to prepare for floods.

From helping people prepare in advance, evacuating people to safety or helping them navigate what's next, our staff and volunteers are there to support when they need us most.

Together, we are the world's emergency responders.

Get support from the British Red Cross

The British Red Cross is prepared to respond in any crisis in the UK.

If you need support or want to advice about how a storm or flood warning may affect, you then contact our Support Line. They can put you in touch with local services in your area.

How we responded to Storm Henk

Storm Henk hit the UK on 2 January. British Red Cross emergency response volunteers supported rest centres in Nottingham, Lincolnshire and Loughborough. Volunteers were also deployed for door knocking in Loughborough, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk to check on the welfare of residents. Also in Loughborough, the British Red Cross provided psychosocial and practical support to the more than 90 affected people in a community hub.

Emergency response teams from the British Red Cross supported 140 people who were evacuated from a holiday park in Northampton, providing warm blankets, dry clothing and emotional support.

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Help us respond to emergencies in the UK, such as storms and flooding, by donating to our General Fund Appeal. 

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