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Have you been affected by the disasters in Morocco and Libya?

Two large-scale disaster have recently devastated parts of Morocco and Libya. If you're from the affected regions in either country and living in the UK, we have compiled some helpful resources for you.

If you’re from the affected region and living in the UK

We know this disaster is deeply personal for anyone with connections to Libya or Morocco. We also recognise this disaster might trigger trauma related to past events in the region.

The British Red Cross efforts is working with other societies from across the Movement to support emergency relief operations in both Morocco and Libya,

But out thoughts are with Moroccan and Libyan communities living in the UK too. We have put together a list of resources and links to some of our relevant services for you to access if you feel you need additional support.

National Support Line

If you would like to access emotional support, please contact our National Support Line. We can provide support in more than 200 languages. The Red Cross helpline is available 10am-5pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm Wednesday. 

Emotional support

We also have the following resources available:

Resources for professionals

For those professionals involved in active humanitarian responses; the following workplace related guides may be of support:

Our Emergencies Fund

When disaster strikes, the first few hours are critical. Our Emergencies Fund helps us to respond quickly and give people urgent help in the UK and overseas.