Donate to the British Red Cross

People in crisis need your help. Your donation will change lives.

Donate to our causes

We help people in crisis in the UK and around the world. Support us by donating to a specific appeal or our general fund. 

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Girl living in shelter in Turkey following earthquakes, shows her drawing to member of Turkish Red Crescent

For every £1 you donate

  • 65p is spent helping people in crisis. This includes emergency response, refugee support and our international work.
  • 21p is spent generating funds and running our shops.
  • 14p is spent on support costs – running our organisation.

How we spend the money we receive.

Graph shows 65% of our donations are spent helping people, 21% on fundraising and 14% on support costs.

Why donate to the Red Cross?

We get the right aid to the right place as quickly as possible. Our teams on the ground provide essentials like food, water, shelter and first aid. Your donation helps those in need, whoever and wherever they are.

Read our impact stories

Child is screened for malnourishment at Somali Red Crescent Society Clinic.

Have a question about donating?

Learn all you need to know about how to donate, including payment methods and donating to a specific appeal.

How to donate