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Coronavirus in India: celebrities show their support

Singer, Jay Sean, broadcaster, Anita Rani, and footballer, Neil Taylor, have thrown their support behind the British Red Cross’s Global Coronavirus Appeal, following devastating scenes in India.

 Last updated 19 April 2023

"Help where it's needed most"

Premier League footballer, Neil Taylor, has supported our campaigns in the past.


He explains how the Red Cross are helping on the ground in India as part of our Covid-19 response around the world, providing, “vital support like ambulances, first aid, medical care and oxygen,” and making sure the help is getting to where it’s needed most.

Duration of video: 30 seconds

Over 46,000 Red Cross staff and volunteers across 550 districts in India are supporting Covid-19 response efforts, including providing oxygen, ambulance services, first aid, medical care, and PPE within Indian communities.

"Donate today and you could be saving lives"

Musician Jay Sean urges fans to donate today so that the Red Cross can continue their work on the ground. He reinforces the urgency of the situation and says that by donating today, you could help save thousands of lives.


Duration of video: 30 seconds

Broadcaster, Anita Rani, says she feels 'devastated and helpless' at the scenes coming out of India. She says:

"People are losing loved ones at a really rapid rate. The Red Cross are raising money for crucial supplies, including first aid, ambulances and much-needed oxygen. 

"If you want to donate, if you can donate, then please donate to the British Red Cross' Global Coronavirus Appeal."

We cannot leave anyone behind

As the terrifying wave of Covid-19 continues to spread to India’s neighbouring countries, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and beyond, we’re seeing that the level of need across the world is higher than ever right now.  

We cannot leave anyone behind in our response to this deadly pandemic. By donating to our Global Coronavirus Appeal today, your gift will reach someone who urgently needs it, no matter where they are in the world.  


More on coronavirus in India

Donate to our Global Coronavirus Appeal

India is experiencing the worst wave of the global coronavirus pandemic: 3,000 people are dying there every day. Please help the Red Cross continue our vital work and help the most vulnerable people in society.
